The American Legislative Exchange Council (ALEC) is a corporate funded conservative organization that does more than lobby for its members. They draft laws in favor of them and get local representatives to sponsor the bills. Thought your state legislator's were writing your laws? Think again.
In the last two months more than eighteen corporate members of ALEC have descended upon New Hampshire and secured the services of registered local lobbyists to promote their agenda. Is it any wonder that Granite State Progress was able to recently expose seven pieces of such legislation brought to the floor of the NH House of Representatives?
ALEC did not come to the Granite State without first laying the groundwork for their success. Thirty members of the NH House are "affiliates" included among them two Democrats, Kris Edward Roberts of Keene, and Robert L. Theberge of Berlin. Two State Senators are in their club also.
Now swoop in the influence peddlers to rewrite our laws. Some names are familiar like: American Express, Bayer, Comcast, General Motors, and Walmart. Others are thinly disguised like RAI (Reynold's American Tobacco) and Altria (Altria Group previously Phillip Morris). How about Archer Daniels Midland? Astra Zeneca? Glaxo Smith Kline? Why are they so interested in New Hampshire?
Right to Work legislation hurts NH Union Members, dodgey education laws will hurt NH Children, scurrilous energy bills could defraud NH Landowners, and deregulation could jeopordize our NH Coasts and natural resources.
We need to keep ALEC out of our politicians pockets.
Full list of ALEC Corporations here.
Full list of politicians here.
Listing of their NH Lobbyists here.
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